1. How do I enroll in an online course at VUT?

You can enroll at one of VUT courses by applying online.
VUT launches two English training sessions per year, one starting in October and a second one in March or April. An announcement is published in the press and on VUT website prior to course start.

2. How long does the training last and how is it administered?

The training session lasts 16 weeks, after completion you can enroll in another course or choose to take up in a more advanced level.

3. Which course should I choose?

When applying for a course, you have to take up a level test that will determine your level of English and the course that suits your needs.

4. Are there face to face sessions? Where do they take place?

This training is basically a distance learning course, yet there are some face to face sessions held at the Virtual University of Tunis and vary according to the course ;usually about 3 to 4 non compulsory sessions.

5. How is evaluation carried out ?

There are a number of online assignments and tasks, oral activities as well as self-evaluation assignments. At the end of the courses learners have to sit for a written exam and also have an oral test at the VUT main office.

6. Do I get a certificate at the end of the training?

Students who complete the course are awarded a certificate from VUT certified by the ministry of higher education.

7. What are the minimum technical requirements and the IT skills needed or e-learning?

Equipment required: PC, headset and webcam-Internet Access – a high speed connection is recommended. Active email account -Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Acrobat Reader (available via free Internet download).

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Agreement between the Ministry Of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the British Council

Agreement between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the British Council to support English language teaching through partnership with the Virtual University of Tunis

Monday 4 July - A signing ceremony for an agreement between the British Council and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherché Scientifique), represented for this project by the Virtual University of Tunis (l’Université Virtuelle de Tunis) took place today. As a result of this agreement the Virtual University of Tunis will officially be able to host a selection of British Council online learning activities and resources on its virtual learning site, which will then be made available to all Higher Education institutes in Tunisia.

Recently, two British Council online courses, English for IT and Second Life Business English, were piloted with three different higher education institutions in Tunisia. It is anticipation that in the future these courses with be offered though the Virtual University to a wider audience in Tunisia. The courses aim to develop learners’ language awareness through a range of tasks that they may encounter in the workplace. Therefore, it is hoped that these types of courses will help to improve students’ English skills for employability.

In addition, we have also agreed to support the Virtual University by offering a selection of English newspaper articles which will be piloted in the soon to be launched e-magazine.

In tune with the aspiration of many people in Tunisia to improve their competence in the English language, the British Council has been delighted to support the Ministry’s work of enhancing the teaching and learning of English at higher education level.

English is seen as the key language for international communication and for success in the global economy. The British Council’s global ambition is to provide every teacher and learner of English with the materials they need. Through our large scale project, ‘English for the Future’, the British Council is already contributing extensively to the development of English language teaching and learning in Tunisia. The English for the Future programme aims to support ELT reform and assist ministries in improving the quality of English language teaching and learning by helping to set policy agendas, bring about institutional change and develop capacity building.

We deliver collaborative online learning

Our method is based on an interactive and participative model known as collaborative learning. It focuses on a customized and close follow up of learners’ progress; and aims at ensuring that they are enrolled in the right course that suits both their level of English as well as their specific needs.
Our courses are tutored by qualified tutors and are delivered online through the use of the most innovative and high quality learning tools and materials. Students work online wherever they are and communicate with their peers and tutor through forums, chat rooms, wikis, emails and online videoconferencing. Plus some face to face sessions at VUT.

Experienced and qualified tutors

Our tutors are experienced English teachers with high skills; they have received special training on e-learning technologies and IT skills. They provide online support, advice and guidance to help students with course material, activities and assignments. We continuously ensure a close follow up for each learner enrolled with advice and support from our tutors and technical staff.

A variety of high quality teaching materials

ico1 VUT courses are designed by highly qualified university teachers and developed in our digital production laboratories.
ico1 VUT has also developed a partnership with the most prestigious ELT publisher Oxford University Press. through the acquisition of high quality course materials including books ,CDs and DVDs and interactive online activities and resources notably:
New English File; A General English course book
Business Result business English course book
ico1 Our students have access to our Moodle platform and all the online resources available in the Virtual learning environment.

Technical staff

Our engineers, technicians and webmaster are highly qualified and have a significant knowledge in e-learning management. They help with technical assistance to administration, course developers, tutors and students.

In partnership with British Council Tunisia, VUT launches Aptis certification in favour of a group of Masters students .

The first session will be held on Tuesday, March29, 2016 , at UVT centre at cité des sciences.more here:http://www.uvt.rnu.tn/news/416-la-certification-aptis


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